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Linda R 4 years that you have been gone from us 4-10-12 April 10, 2012
On April 10, 2008 God called you to come home. Death is not the darkness, death is the lasting light
keeping you from harm until the time is right.
I want to thank God for the 26 years, 4 months, and 29 days, that He allowed you to call me, Mom.
For all the memories, He has allowed me to keep in my heart of you. From the time you were born, 
until the day you left you were the sunshine in my day. You are a friend to everyone and to me you
are my Son. Adam, you will always be in my heart forever!
Greatly missed and loved very much
Mom Paper article 4-10-11
WHAT Would You Be Today?
I look at your friends, they have their lives, with wives, children and houses.
I can't help but wonder what would you be today?
How can time go so fast and so slow?
Three years since the angels came to take you home, but the pain is like it
was yesterday, and trying to see your beautiful smile it seems like forever.
You were a blessing in my life, and I thank God for the 26 years that He allowed
you to be here with me. 
Can't help but wonder what you would be today? Would you have a house, wife and
children? Questions that will never be answered for God saw it was your time to go
to be with Him
Sadly missed by his Mother: Linda M. Reese
Paper article 11-12-10 Today is your birthday my son you would be 29, Instead 26 forever you will remain. Birthdays just aren't the same. My thoughts are about you every day. A part of me died with you. I wonder why you had to go. Nothing will ever be the same. I can't wait to see you again, I think about that every day. I know you will be waiting, What a wonderful day that will be. Until then I hold you in my heart, I miss you more each day. I love you dearly my son. Happy Birthday Adam.
My Son is At Rest My son is now at rest for a safer place he remains. A world of goodness and beauty a world without worry or pain. Nor fear will he encounter for a better place he'll be. A place where the sick are healed and the blinded eyes can see. Our world has forever changed our lives are not the same. But close within our hearts his precious face remains. We give to him our tears and our prayers we send above We cherish all the memories filled with happiness and love. He'll have someone to depend on a helping hand is there to lend. For the father shall be watching and in heaven, he'll have a friend. Light a candle in memory of Adam. Everyday we miss you more, love you always until we meet again rest in peace my son Mom and Stepdad - Linda & Mike Reese and families
Chris Hill
The one thing I will never forget about Scooter is the size of his heart. He was the definition of a true friend. He was always there for anyone who needed a hand. No matter the job or time of day he was the one person I could count on. There are so many memories that I cherish. From our hunting trips were he caught me sleeping in his truck when it was 15 degrees,  and gave me a hard time about for weeks, to taking his jeep on trails that weren't meant for vehicles, even working with him was an adventure. And especially the many nights that we turned into rock stars playing guitar hero on the playstation. These were some of the best times of my life and I thank God for letting me know Scooter for many years. You will never be forgotten. Till I see you again rest in peace pal.
Adam, I will never forget your last Easter here, just less than two weeks, before your accident. You were so happy, and laughing again. You hugged me and you told me you loved me not me saying or doing it first, you did and in my heart I felt so blessed. I miss you so much and it hurts so bad, I just can't believe that you are gone. Rest peacefully now my son, I know that you are waiting for me I will see you soon. Love you Mom
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